🟣 Moving to NYC & Playing Compound Games

June 23' Updates

Hey it’s Matt! 👋 

If you’re getting this email you likely know me from one of my companies/projects: Agora Labs (acquired), Inner Circle, amongst others.

Welcome to Compound Advantage, my monthly newsletter for sharing my latest projects, frameworks, and actionable ideas. Here’s my June updates:

What I’ve Been Up To 😼 

Quick life updates..

  1. Moved to NYC! Took me about a week to adjust, but finally built out a solid routine, and have been building close friendships in the city. I’ve been learning a lot from this experience from participating in Chess Tournaments, exploring major tech offices like Spotify and Datadog, to even meeting the CEO of BuzzFeed. I’m here for another 5 weeks before I head back to Toronto.

  2. Figuring out the O1 Visa Process. Been talking to a couple lawyers and friends who have gone through the process. Before this month I thought it was incredibly complex, but I finally understand the visa lingo and the setup is starting to make sense. I feel a lot more confident about the whole thing and it has relieved a lot of stress.

  3. Building a New Company: I’m currently working on 3 stealth projects, some of them with co-founders. It feels good to be back in the build mode. I’ll periodically share updates as them come about / become relevant.

Experiments 🧪 

Current projects, insights & thoughts about: tech, life optimization, investing..

  1. The End Goal: been thinking a lot about what life will look like after I graduate. From the city to live at, the friends I’ll have, to the projects I’ll be working on. I haven’t figured out all the answers yet, but have been making some tremendous progress.

  2. Crafting the Ideal Day: with little outside forces, I’ve been able to make my ideal day a reality. Now that I have my routine setup in NYC I’ve been incredibly consistent from work/fitness/life ratio.

Personal Asks 🙏

  1. If you’re a Product Manager, or Designer would love to chat! I’m building an AI product and looking to understand some problems you might have to see what solutions it may solve. I just need 15 mins of your time.

Chat next month,

Matt | (@mattespoz) 🥷🏼

P.S. If we haven’t chatted in a while feel free to reach out! I’m a bit too occupied in NYC to setup catchup calls, but would love to reconnect :)

1. 🗂 For Founders, Developers & Investors -> I’ve got a great dealflow network, so if you are looking to hire, be hired, or add investors on your cap table (just message me!)
2. 🐦 Follow me on Twitter -> where I share my experiments, learnings & framework publicly

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